miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

POST #7: Themed post #3 --> A favourite picture of you

Say the following things while you write your text:

- Why do you like it?
- Where are you in the picture?
- How long ago was the picture taken?
- Describe the situation in which the picture was taken.
- How do you feel when you see the picture?

Number of words: 230

Don't forget to make comments on at least 3 of your classmates posts.

Hello dear survivors of the English course, today's blog session is about a picture of you. Well, I already added a picture of myself and I hope you like it.

I'm going to tell you more about the picture. I think you all know where the photo was taken, yes!! It's our beautiful London. For someone like me, I mean a Teacher of English, being there is like a dream came true. I really like this picture, because as a said it's in London and also because it was one of my first travels in Europe.

This photo was taken back in 2010, a long time ago, but every time I see this picture is like being there once again. It was the first day, I have just arrived from Sweden and I think it was past midnight. Well, after a long journey, by taxi, from the airport to the hostel a friend of mine took this photo. The taxi cost at least £150, which is equivalent to $97.000, so you can imagine how I felt when the taxi driver told me how much I had to pay. After this photo was taken, I went to grab something to eat because I haven't eaten anything at that moment and luckily I found a good and cheap place.

I chose this picture because it reminds me that dreams come true, and if you work hard and put a lot of effort in achieving what you want, you will get your reward in the future.

14 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  2. Hi! 150 pounds for a taxi doesn’t sound as a welcome jsjd but travel is always an awesome experience, no matter what happend really, you are testing your abilities anyway, and that just can make you grow up

  3. wow, 97000 for a one travel it's so much! I don't know what I would do in a situation like that, maybe would have jumped for the window. Well, it's a nice photo that brings good memories for you c:

  4. what a good trip
    I imagine in London a lot of cold ajjaja but a great cultural experience

  5. What a great trip you had 8 years ago. Keep dreaming on.

  6. The weather in the picture looks very cold! jajjaja the first days in everything are the most important.

  7. When I saw the miniature picture for the first time I thought that was a boxing bag jajaja

  8. nice pic must have been very nice for you to have visited england

  9. Hi teacher! I'm shocked at how expensive the taxi is!

  10. Excellent trip! If I went to London, I think I would take the same picture. or maybe in the typical phone booth


  11. What the fuck the taxi ?! too expensive.
    jajaj I really like that it's the same photo of the blog

  12. I imagine it must have been an unforgettable trip for you, eacher. You look like a baby in the picture ! Jaja good picture.

  13. Wow London! A beautiful place to remember. It must have been a memorable trip.
